Classroom Rules & Policies


Every student is expected to attend every class. Since this class is only 3 weeks in length, every student is only allowed to miss one class session. I understand emergencies happen! Please let me know ahead of time if you will be needing to miss more than one class session.



Course assignments will consist of reading, writing, and return demonstration techiques. Homework/Quiz assignments are to be completed by the due date. No exceptions. Please don't fall behind because it will be difficult to catch up. Remember, this course is only 3 weeks long.

There are no make-ups for exams, without the discretion of the instructor. 



All communication will be made through our school email. No personal email addresses will be used for communication. I can also be contacted at my office numer on file. I will respond within 24 hours.



Grades are based off of a point system and performance evaluations. The grade a student earns on any assignment, quiz, or exam, is FINAL. Students may not re-submit assignments or re-take a quiz or exam for a higher grade.



Any student caught cheating on an assignment or exam will automatically be removed from the program. 


Miscoduct/Unappropriate behavior/Harassment

Students will act professional and treat each other with respect. Violating this policy is grounds for removal of the program and/or prohibition from future enrollment.